
The IconX System can be used with any rigid insulation.

Insulation Cost

The cost per R-Value per board foot of insulation is between $0.05 and $0.09. For example, a R-15 insulation would be between $0.75 and $1.35 per square foot. This is only a rough estimate, and the price will vary depending on many factors including local availability and shipping costs.

Foam Bond

The Icon Design Manual does NOT use the foam bond in the engineering calculations. Testing has shown a large variation in the amount of foam bond. There is also concern that the foam bond will dissipate over time.


The IconX Shear Connector is compatible with all types of rigid insulation. The hole saw allows for quick and efficient fabrication of the foam in any thickness desired by the specifier. Ask us how a CNC machine can be used to further streamline your production and foam preparation.

Buy from your local Supplier

IconX does not sell sheets of foam insulation. We would rather save you shipping costs by buying locally. The prices and properties of each foam type on this page is for your reference only - please contact your local insulation manufacturer or supplier for more accurate information.